Friday, April 19, 2013

The Difference

As I sat at the table making Valentines, I had two totally different conversations with two of my boys. The first son, my youngest gem, was adopted from Ukraine when he was seven years old. He asked, "Who are you making those for?"
My answer was the same one my mom would've given me many years ago, "For my favorite people in the world."
His innocent little question tugged on my heart, "But WHO?"
The next son was my youngest child before our treasured additions. I gave birth to him. He walked up and asked, "Who are you making those for? "
My answer was the same, "For my favorite people in the world."
"Awesome!!" He said as he grabbed for one.

The difference between these two sons is not the gift offered. It is the same for all my children, whether they came to me through birth, inheritance, or adoption. The difference is that one son knows, and the other is longing to know.

Is it not the same way with our Father in Heaven? He has offered His Son Jesus Christ for all of us. Some people know this very well and take full advantage of the gift given, others have never heard of such an incredible gift (making our responsibility great), and others still are longing to know for themselves. But the gift itself it the same for all of His children. It is up to us to accept that precious gift.


  1. Oh, that makes me sad. But happy too because you love him. Someday hopefully he'll understand too.

  2. Editor's note:
    As I have thought about this story throughout the year, I keep reflecting on how much this can be related to our relationship with God. That is why I have just now added the last paragraph.
