Monday, May 20, 2013

Christmas Shopping in May (on a Tight Budget)

I've been Christmas shopping this week. Yes, I know, it's May, but there are some super-duper deals out there right now. This one may put me in the loony category, but I like to start my Christmas shopping at garage sales. That's right. Another person's junk is my child's new treasure. I love it when I hit the end of a yard sale (between 1:00 and 3:00) because people are anxious to get rid of their stuff for cheap, cheap, cheap. I spent $33 on Saturday and I got eleven gifts, plus some supplies for my preschool, other supplies for helping my young boys practice their English, and some shoes for Tina.

No worries, these aren't lame gifts. I am VERY particular. I make sure they look new; I look for tags, and I look for things my children and hubby would really like. This week I even got two gifts, still in the box, for my grandbaby's birthday. I also got a baby gift, still in the box, for my pregnant friend's baby. She'll think I spent quite a bit of money on this cute little infant toy, but the truth is, it cost me $2.00.

Sarah was with me this week. As excited as she was with my preschool scissors and baby gifts (ha), she was thrilled when she got a whole bag of clothes for $5.00. In the bag she put a new looking dress, a few shirts, and a pair of summer shorts. She had extra room so she let me add a few of my own treasures, one that will be a Christmas shirt for my husband. It's just his size and style. It didn't have tags, but it still had the "I'm new" creases in it. Yes, all these things come from another home. They probably sat around for quite a long time, but they are great deals!

Some might worry that my children won't get what they want for Christmas. I remember a friend of mine being so surprised when she heard my children write Christmas lists for me. She had never heard of such a thing. I was actually embarrassed as I thought about it. I was inviting my child to be greedy, self-satisfying, and mightily disappointed. Many of the things on their lists, especially as they get older, are things that are no-no's in our home. Not even Santa breaks our "ridiculous house rules." I realized when I buy things and check them off from their "I want" lists, I find absolutely no satisfaction in giving at all. These aren't gifts; they are presents. Quite a difference. They still write their lists; it's tradition in our house, and I really will save some budget money for one thing they really want. I'm not a total scrooge. ;) I just love a great deal for my great kiddies!


  1. Funny I just realized that you have eight five boys and three girls. That has always been my dream until I got four, two of each, and decided that was enough for now.
    I find when I start shopping for Christmas this early I always end up buying more then I should. But I love good deals just never find them at garage sales.

  2. We actually have nine. Five boys and four girls. :) Plus a son-in-law and two grandbabies.

  3. Oh, and Shanna! You are doing great things with the four you have. I will always remember what Nathan said at your bridal shower when someone asked him how many children you were going to have and his answer was, "All of them!" My favorite answer so far!!!
